Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Never War

3rd book of the popular Pendragon series.

This book takes Pendragon back to 1937 in First Earth, the past of Second Earth. Here he meets Gunny von Dyke the traveler of First Earth. When Bobby first arrives with Spader the Cloral traveler, he ends up getting a job at the Manhattan Hotel, where Gunny works as a Captain Bellhop. They get in business with Maximillian Rose, a big time gangster.After they get hooked up, they have to get more information. So Gunny happens to know the best place, in Third Earth, the future of First and Second Earth. Then when they get back,through Rose, they uncover a plot to blow up the Hindenburg, a huge blimp which happens to be carrying Rose's payment for the Government secrets he's been selling to the Germans.

I like this book because it goes back in history at the famous time of 1937 when the Hindenburg is blown up. It's very exciting and interesting.

Rating 81/2 out of 10

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